About us
RNASA-IMEDIR group was created in 1991 with the aim of carrying out research work and projects related to Artificial Intelligence, especially in the area of Connectionist Systems, applying Artificial Neuron Networks to the resolution of complex real-world problems, especially in the area of medicine.
The group was created taking advantage of the training of its founder and director, Professor Dr. Alejandro Celestino Pazos Sierra, who holds a degree in Medicine and General Surgery from the University of Santiago de Compostela, a Master in Knowledge Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Madrid, a PhD in Medicine from the Complutense University of Madrid and a PhD in Computer Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Madrid. During the trajectory of the group, several of its members have collaborated with different laboratories and institutes of recognized prestige such as GNU Lab in Georgia Tech of Atlanta (USA), Decision System Group in Harvard Medical Scholl of Boston (USA), Collage of Computing in Georgia Institute of Technology, Hull Univ., etc.
Thanks to the funding obtained from the public administrations and contracts with companies for the execution of several projects, the group has experienced a constant growth, both in human and material resources. Thus, in 1998, thanks to the obtention of funds from the European Union (ERDF) the group joins the research group of the Area of Radiology and Physical Medicine of the UDC, directed by the professor of the Area of Radiology and Physical Medicine Jorge Teijeiro Vidal, creating what would later become the Laboratory of Medical Informatics and Radiological Diagnosis (IMEDIR), which allowed the group to specialize in the development of computer applications in Biomedicine. In the year 2000 and due to the achievements obtained by the group and its constant growth, it was cataloged by the Xunta de Galicia as a Research Group of Excellence, according to the Criteria of the Galician ITD Plan.
Research Lines
- Accessibility, ICT in functional diversity and active ageing. MR: Alejandro Pazos Sierra
- Medical Informatics and Ontologies. MR: Jose Manuel Vázquez Naya
- Connectionist Computational Modeling: Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience. MR: Ana Belén Porto Pazos
- Practical applications of Machine Learning. MR: Daniel Rivero Cebrián
- E-learning and technological design. MR: Nieves Pedreira Souto
- Creative Computing. MR: Juan Jesús Romero Cardalda
- Evolutionary Computations and Artificial Intelligence in Civil Engineering. MR: Juan Ramón Rabuñal
- Information Security and Protection. Cyber defense and Forensics. MR: Antonino Santos del Riego
- PharmacoInformatics. MR: Cristian R. Munteanu
- Bioinformatics and Data Mining. Graphics and Image processing. MR: Julián Dorado de la Calle