por admin | May 31, 2021 | Prensa
El Correo Gallego published an article highlighting the journey of Alejandro Pazos Sierra, coordinator of the RNASA-IMEDIR group (UDC), in the world of research and how he became one of the pioneers of Artificial Intelligence. He is one of the authors of the first...
por admin | May 5, 2021 | Prensa
Yesterday, on the occasion of the recent debate “Big Data and Artificial Intelligence: Are My Data the New Oil?”, Alejandro Pazos Sierra, the coordinator of the RNASA-IMEDIR group (UDC), was interviewed by the newspaper Nós Diario. In this interview, he provided an...
por admin | Abr 28, 2021 | Prensa
Alejandro Pazos Sierra, coordinator of the RNASA-IMEDIR group at UDC, was featured this afternoon on the RNE Galicia podcast, in connection with his participation in the debate “Big Data and Artificial Intelligence: Are My Data the New Oil?”. You can...
por admin | Abr 28, 2021 | Prensa
Alejandro Pazos Sierra, coordinator of the RNASA-IMEDIR group at UDC, was featured this afternoon on the “A Tarde” podcast, from Radio Galega of CRTVG, in connection with his participation in the debate “Big Data and Artificial Intelligence: Are My...
por admin | Abr 28, 2021 | Prensa
Today, the newspaper *La Opinión* published an article in which Alejandro Pazos Sierra, coordinator of the RNASA-IMEDIR group at UDC, discussed the issue of the vast amount of data available today, the vulnerability of this data, and the existence of external...
por admin | Abr 28, 2021 | Prensa
Yesterday, the newspaper *El Correo Gallego* published an article in which Alejandro Pazos Sierra, coordinator of the RNASA-IMEDIR group at UDC, highlighted the value and impact that personal data has for large tech companies. You can access the full article by...