Lines of research
Here you will find a brief explanation of each group
PharmacoInformatics use information to search for new drugs and molecular targets that may help cure diseases. To this effect, they require a multidisciplinary approach that includes Pharmacology, Computational Chemistry, Systems Biology, Cheminformatics, and Artificial Intelligence.

Information Security and Protection. Cyber defense and Forensics
No risk, no fun. But as in many other aspects of life, risks must be controlled and security mechanisms must be implemented in order to avoid diversion to turn into failure. Information and communication technologies are not very diverse, and our world is full of good and bad risks. Looks are deceiving!

E-learning and Technological Design
This line of work focuses mainly on aspects of man-machine interaction. We look to improve long-distance training so as to facilitate the learning process: new interfaces, active learning methodologies, inclusion of social networks, gamification, etc.

Evolutionary Computations and Artificial Intelligence in Civil Engineering
Recent advances in the field of Artificial Intelligence have strongly influenced various areas of Civil Engineering. New methods, techniques, and algorithms have appeared that are allowing civil engineers to apply them in many different ways.
Connectionist Computational Modelling: Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience
Artificial Intelligence proposes computational models that are inspired by the information processing system of intelligent beings. In order to advance, Neuroscience requires the use of AI models and techniques so as to check findings and test hypotheses that are conceived in Neuroscience labs, trying to discover in detail how the brain processes information.

Creative Computing
From the dawn of time, human beings have been seeking to understand art in many different ways, both philosophically and scientifically. The development of computer sciences allowed pioneers such as Ada Lovelace or Alan Turing to predict a future in which computers would have creative and artistic capacities.

Bioinformatics and Data Mining. Graphics and Image Processing
The RNASA-IMEDIR research group has ample experience in applying diverse Artificial Intelligence techniques, such as Artificial Neural Networks, Evolutionary Systems, Expert Systems, etc.
Transferring these methods to the practical field becomes especially relevant for datamining, image processing, and bioinformatics. Due to the special nature and heterogeneity of the available data, it is usually necessary to combine various techniques and/or carry out statistical controls that allow for the improvement of the methods.

Accessibility, ICT in functional diversity and active ageing
Application of information and communication technologies in the field of disabilities. Computer adaptation by means of design and development of support and adaptation products. Creation of multimedia content to intervene through occupational therapy. Evaluation of the impact of ICT-based programmes on elderly and/or disabled people using various assessment instruments.

Practical Applications of Machine Learning
In this line, the aim is to make the most of the advantages that applying Machine Learning techniques brings to research. The objectives are to apply these techniques to solve real-world problems, perform signal and image analysis with automated feature extraction, and finally, to optimize the results through the specific application of Deep Learning.

Medical Informatics and Ontology
Participative medicine is based on the principle of turning the patient-doctor relationship into a team relationship, in which citizens obtain their own health data from wearable devices and share them with their physicians, who analyse them and identify their meaning. People become part of the decision-making process and share the responsibility of their treatment. Our research team works on creating the technological infrastructure that sustains this new focus on medicine by providing data integration and communication between participants.